Tag Archives: Lithuania tourism

“Keliauk Lietuvoje“ pozicija dėl karinių veiksmų Ukrainoje 

„Keliauk Lietuvoje“ griežtai, be jokių išlygų, smerkia Rusijos Federacijos vykdomas karines atakas prieš Ukrainą. Pasisakome už bet kokio bendradarbiavimo ir turizmo reklamos kampanijų Rusijoje nutraukimą.

Pastarieji įvykiai sukrėtė dar nespėjusį atsigauti turizmo sektorių, įnešė nežinomybės, neapibrėžtumo ir baimės. Tačiau Europos kelionių komisija (ETC) ragina nepasiduodi skleidžiamai dezinformacijai apie Baltijos šalių saugumą turizmo kontekste. „Keliauk Lietuvoje“ palaiko ETC poziciją ir tiki, kad žiauraus tirono veiksmai neturi stabdyti ne tik mūsų tikėjimo, bet ir ambicingų darbų ir planų. Esame įsitikinę, kad kelionės kuria vienybę ir taiką, ugdo skirtingų tautų supratimą.

Pasaulio turizmo organizacija (UNWTO), reaguodama į Rusijos invaziją į Ukrainą, šaukia skubų Vykdomosios tarybos posėdį. Sesija vyks Madride, kovo 8 d., Gvatemalai, Lietuvai, Lenkijai, Slovėnijai ir Ukrainai pateikus prašymą sustabdyti Rusijos Federacijos narystę Jungtinių Tautų Pasaulio turizmo organizacijoje.

Norime padėkoti Ukrainos piliečiams pagalbą ir prieglobstį tiekiantiems viešbučiams, kitoms apgyvendinimo įstaigoms, kelionių organizatoriams ir agentūroms, kurios imasi iniciatyvos padėti kitose šalyse įstrigusiems ukrainiečiams. Dėkojame kelionių asociacijoms, privatiems asmenims, kurie pasirinko žvelgti į ateitį su viltimi, o ne su baime ir aktyviai prisideda prie solidarumo akcijų.

„Keliauk Lietuvoje“ nuo pat karo veiksmų pradžios ėmėsi iniciatyvos analizuoti Lietuvos įvaizdį užsienyje, palaikyti ryšius su užsienio kelionių organizatoriais, partneriais ir siekia atsverti bet kokią pasirodžiusią neigiamą informaciją, užkirsti kelią dezinformacijos sklaidai.

Turint pasiūlymų ar klausimų, kviečiame susisiekti su mumis el. paštu info@lithuania.travel.

Nepraraskime vilties ir tikėjimo taika pasaulyje.

Lithuanian tourism stories are of particular interest to global media giants this year

  • “The smallest republic in the world, Užupis, located in the capital of Lithuania, is a must-see for any visitor to Europe”, the biggest German national broadcaster “Deutsche Welle” announces as it introduces a video commentary on Užupis in its website that has a readership of 1.3 million. Soon Lithuania will also be covered in an enormously popular “NTV” cooking show “Poedem, poedim!” (“Let’s go, let’s eat!”). It has taken two years for the Department of Tourism to arrange an fam trip with the host of the show John Warren from Great Britain. Lithuania will be visited and covered by “Forbes”, “The Telegraph”, “National Geographic” as well as by journalists from other famous magazines from priority incoming tourism markets. Lithuanian tourism stories are of particular interest to global media giants this year“We can already see that this year is going to be special because of the importance of the press that journalists represent who are coming to Lithuania. It is the result of consistent work and high quality contacts that Lithuania is going to be introduced as an attractive tourist destination in all world-famous media channels. By planning fam trips for journalists for this year, we were carrying out strict selection and consulting our foreign representatives and embassies, since we cannot invite everyone willing to come and visit us, unfortunately. Besides, we develop the agenda of each visit independently, we consult closely with tourism information centres in an effort to fully meet the journalists’ interests and to prepare a highly exceptional agenda of their stay”, says Indrė Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė, the acting director of the Department of Tourism.

    In the upcoming tourism season, the team of the Department of Tourism is impatiently looking forward to planned introductory tours for journalists from Great Britain who represent national daily newspapers “The Telegraph”, “The Guardian”, “The Express”, as well as “National Geographic”.
    David Lyndo, also known as Urban Birder in the UK, is also expected to pay a visit to Lithuania. He is an enthusiast of bird watching, a photographer, a filmer and an author of bird watching and its possibilities. Lithuania caught his particular interest during a niche exhibition in Rutland (UK) last year. The United Kingdom is known for a number of tourists who take an interest in bird watching, therefore, a message spread about birds breeding in Lithuania or migrating through it could draw the attention of the British tourists.


France is planning to give some attention to Lithuania in its morning show “Télématin“ on “France 2” TV channel, as well as in a women’s magazine “Biba” with a circulation of 306 thousand, and in a Parisian lifestyle weekly “Telerama Sortir” or in a montly travel journal for professionals “L‘Echo Touristique” among others. Already at the end of April the Department of Tourism is going to organise an introductory tour to a journalist of TV show “La Quotidienne“ of “France 5” who is going to make a commentary about possibilities of a weekend trip to Vilnius and its surroundings.

Introductory tours will be organised to Italian journalists from “Elle”, “Style Magazine” published with “Corriere della Sera”, “La Stampa”, “Vanity Fair”, “La Repubblica”, Nationalgeographic.it; Lithuania also has the attention of gastronomy magazines like “Viaggi del Gusto” and a gastronomy guide “Gambero Rosso”.
High-end Lithuanian restaurants and local chefs are of interest to Jim Dobson, a journalist of the influential US businesses magazine “Forbes”; an introductory tour to this journalist at the end of June is being thoroughly arranged.
Visits of journalists of flight magazines “Blue Wings” (available in “Finnair” planes) and “Skyward” (available in “Japan Airlines” planes) to Lithuania are also important.
We also have a goal to invite “China Daily” journalists to Lithuania, as well as the Finnish travel magazine “Mondo”, the German national newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, one of the key daily newspapers of Berlin “Der Tagesspiegel”, “Deutschlandradio”, one of the key weeklies in Sweden “Aftonbladet”, another top Swedish weekly “Icakurirer”, negotiations with the British travel magazine “Wanderlust”, which announced Lithuania one of the hottest travel destinations of 2018, are ongoing.

Source: tourism.lt

Travel destination Vilnius, Lithuania – Silvija Travel Tips

Once a part of the Eastern bloc, Lithuania is the southernmost and biggest of the Baltic States.

Since Lithuania joined the European Union in 2004, Vilnius, the capital, has experienced a youthful renaissance. It’s a city on the move, full of tech start-ups, warehouse-style music venues and art festivals. But the city’s claim to fame is its 13th century Old Town, where Medieval streets snake beside fairytale-like churches, and underground beer halls are famous for selling the cheapest beer Europe.



Source: SilvijaTravelTips


The seventh edition of CONVENE featured an impressive mix of Hosted Buyers from over 30 countries, as well as Exhibitors and Specialist Suppliers representing different parts of the Baltic Sea Region. As a boutique event, the focus of CONVENE remained on quality, and all signs pointed to that ambition being successfully delivered.

A noticeable concentration of this year’s 165 Hosted Buyers were representing the UK market, which bodes particularly well for Vilnius, since LOT Polish Airlines recently announced it will be launching a direct route between Lithuania’s capital and London City Airport this May, making both cities much more accessible to business travellers. Hosted Buyer agendas were packed over the course of the two-day exhibition, with plenty of opportunities to meet with the 80 Exhibitors representing Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia and Belarus.

In addition to putting forth a comprehensive Education Programme touching on the industry’s hottest topics and latest trends, organisers also brought back CONVENE’s Professional Academy, a three-hour workshop dedicated to preparing suppliers for their meetings with Hosted Buyers throughout the show. The academy, which took place a day before the exhibition, had one session focused on the evolution of association sector meetings and another on growing business in the UK.


Inga Romanovskienė, Director of Go Vilnius, the city’s official development agency and umbrella organisation to the Vilnius Convention Bureau, was thrilled to welcome meeting industry professionals back to an event that has proved to be of great value to the entire region, saying, “When it comes to the meetings and events industry, the Baltic Sea Region is ripe for significant growth, with meeting planners from across Europe and the globe continuing to show interest in many of its destinations. And for our part, CONVENE is able to strategically position Vilnius as a regional leader and give people the opportunity to experience what the city has to offer first-hand.”

Organised by the Vilnius Convention Bureau, CONVENE is an annual business marketplace that provides non-stop networking opportunities for meeting professionals. The two-day event gathers Baltic Sea meeting and events industry suppliers and buyers from across Europe and the world together under one roof and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and best practices.

Source: https://www.convene.lt